Welcome! I am so excited you are here. Check out the blog, nutrition consulting, the books, or scroll and learn a bit about us!

Thank you for visiting! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Amanda-Jo (AJ), the founder of Redeemed Image. I still remember the days when Redeemed Image was nothing more than a nameless dream tucked deep in my heart.

Amanda-Jo (AJ)

My passion has always been simple; bring the love of Christ to the lonely and hurting. I don't want people feeling defeated by life's circumstances. I want them to walk in the freedom of God's love and wisdom. God used this passion and took me to minister behind the prison walls where He strengthened my faith and abundantly blessed me through His revelations, and teachings, during that time.

I was writing in my journal one day and felt prompted to write out my desires. This is what I wrote all those years ago, "I desire to work closely with people to help them live life with intentionality. I want to assist them in radical life changes through spiritual enrichment, healthy lifestyle habits, and complete overhauls of their self-image, home environments, and stewardship practices."

​I started and ran a successful Faith-based Dorm in a local women's prison, where I taught on everything from nutrition to spiritual warfare and frequently operated in the capacity of the unit chaplain. From organizing weekly volunteers to facilitating large special events, I realized the Lord was grooming me to be able to fulfill the desires He had placed in my heart.

I am a Certified Volunteer Chaplain Assistant (CVCA) with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). I hold a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science. I am a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, a Certified Color Analyst, minimalist, homesteader, chronic researcher, and organizer. As the list of I am’s continues to grow, it still remains that I am His is the most important of them all. The rest are just tools He has given me to do His good works.

One day, as I walked on my treadmill, I was meditating on Christ's image and how we are transformed daily into His likeness. I was consumed with the reality of His redemption. Then, He spoke "Redeemed Image," and the rest, as they say, is history.

who is nutrition consulting for?

Whether you are currently dealing with health issues or are hoping to prevent them by leading a healthy lifestyle, nutrition consulting is for you.

Maybe you are ready to have children and want to make sure your body is as healthy as possible. Perhaps you have been feeling less than optimal and can't seem to figure out why.

Nutrition consulting with Amanda-Jo, The Boomer Nutritionist™, is for anybody who wants to know precisely what is going on in their unique internal landscape. We use very specific blood work and other non-invasive tests to search for the answers buried deep in your body.

We have a wonderful group of alternative practitioners that we can recommend as needed. We believe in a multifaceted approach to healing, working alongside your doctor, and, most importantly, empowering you to take control of your health.

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